

Thank you for your interest in my work.

If you want more, get in touch with me.

eMail is still the easiest way for me to keep track of your enquiries. So please always write me an eMail or use the contact form.

I look forward to every serious enquiry.

Please bear in mind that there is only one person behind Terruhn.IT Manufaktur: me. I will definitely get back to you, even if it takes a while.

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René Terruhn

Terruhn.IT Manufaktur
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 46c
37077 Göttingen

Telephone: 01575-8083400
Telefax: 0551-70768491

Threema ID: RT9RRN7R
Threema Fingerprint: AA9E 4FD9 4B31 FC3A 241F C42E 3D0E 2475